Make a Referral

If you would like advice or help from The Friendly Trust or you want to find out if we can help someone you know, please complete the form below. We want to help as many people as possible and all advice given is free.

If you are a Cardiff Council social worker, please use the other referral form.

If you are making a referral on behalf of someone else, please get their permission if you can.

Dear PROFESSIONALS: If you cannot obtain someone’s permission because, for example, the person lacks mental capacity, please make sure that you have the proper authority to pass on their personal details to The Friendly Trust.  If in doubt, speak to your manager.

Please note it is not lawful for The Friendly Trust – or anyone else – to charge an individual for this type of service unless the person has willingly agreed in advance, in writing at a time when they had mental capacity to agree, or, if permission to charge has been given by the Court of Protection.

Referral Form

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© 2016 The Friendly Trust - Registered Charity No. 1084265, Company No. 3608297