Cyber Essentials

We’re thrilled to announce that the Friendly Trust is now not only a proud member of the Living Wage Foundation, ensuring fair pay for our staff, but we’ve also recently achieved Cyber Essentials accreditation!

This prestigious certification demonstrates our commitment to safeguarding our online systems and protecting the information entrusted to us. This means you can be confident that your data is secure when interacting with the Friendly Trust.

The Friendly Trust celebrates 25 years of Excellence

The Friendly Trust was started in 1998 with the aim of supporting individuals to manage their personal finances. The Friendly Trust has grown and is currently supporting over 550 people to become as independent as possible.

On Friday, 22nd September we held an event at Channel View leisure centre to celebrate this milestone.

The participants of the Engagement Project worked incredibly hard to help our team get all the invites sent out and to make some lovely decorations for the party venue.

Brian and the other participants helped with some of the important jobs to prepare for the Party. Here, Brian is sticking labels on to envelopes to be sent out with the invitations.

Here are some of the party people that came to Channel View Leisure Centre to celebrate with us.

Here are some of the staff of the Friendly Trust helping with the organisation of the party.                                       And our delicious cake.

The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Councillor Bablin Molik very kindly awarded certificates of Excellence to some of our Participants for “Giving your Regular Time and Work to make The Friendly Trust’s 25th Anniversary Event so Special” to Roy, Julie and Brian. Peter and Darren will be given their certificates at a later date to say thank you.

We were all very pleased that everyone enjoyed themselves at the party, and are looking forward to the next 25 years of The Friendly Trust.

© 2016 The Friendly Trust - Registered Charity No. 1084265, Company No. 3608297